Start a GEN-ZiNE Campus Chapter
Our grassroots approach to a media movement.
A Campus Editor is a…
You are an exceptional writer, cares about putting new ideas into the world, and passionate about contemporary issues.
Campus Chapters provide a communal and collaborative space for students to come together to voice their concerns, perspectives and cultivate a deeper understanding of contemporary issues and responses to them.
As a Campus Editor you will guide the conversations and content from your Chapter, and serve as a leader and editor to harness the perspectives on your campus. You support Campus Contributors through the pitching, writing and editing process––and can also maintain the logistics of running a club!
Here at GEN-ZiNE, we put marginalized narratives into mainstream discourse. At the end of each day, you get to feel proud of the stories that your local community shares––and we’ll help you achieve this by practicing editorial and digital strategy.
GEN-ZiNE Campus Chapters are clubs on college campuses designed to drive conversation forward, and ignite change in your local community and society at large.
Campus Editors bring GEN-ZiNE to their campuses, and lead the community, conversations, and content to amplify perspectives on their campus.
Campus Contributors are curious, thoughtful, and active college students who voice their concerns, perspectives and cultivate a deeper understanding of contemporary issues and responses to them.
Applications for Fall 2022 are now open. Apply here to be a Campus Editor, and bring GEN-ZiNE to your school.